Skin Removal & Heel Cracks
Hard skin is caused by pressure on your foot and this your
body’s way of protecting the sole of the foot.
Your Chiropodist will remove the hard skin safely with
a scalpel and advise you how to keep your feet in good condition.
The heels crack for many reasons. Cracks or fissures can
be due to a biomechanical problem where the muscles in the
backs of your legs are too tight and this causes your heel
to rub in your shoe.
Hard skin may often lead to heel cracks. Hard skin is
inflexible and is prone to cracking becoming difficult to
heal because there are two hard pieces of skin trying to
join together. Whatever the reason, your Chiropodist will
reduce the hard skin on each side of the crack thus allowing
the skin to heal.
Your Chiropodist will also provide information on how to
avoid getting hard skin and heel cracks and the use of creams
to help promote healthy skin on the heels.
To book a consultation please contact us on 01252
545 454. We will always do our best to answer your